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3 Growth Marketing tactics to accelerate your sales

Do you want your revenue to skyrocket and for your company, brand or venture to grow continuously? With the Growth Marketing tactics you are going to learn today, you could successfully achieve that goal.

Without a doubt, Growth Marketing can become your business’s best ally if you want to break through its growth and turnover ceiling.

In this video, the CEO of the Convierte Más Group, Vilma Núñez, explains why it is the ma Growth Marketing  rketing of the present and the future and why you cannot ignore it if you want to optimize time, efforts, resources and results:


Growth Marketing has unique characteristics

This marketing technique is based on scientific data to achi latvia consumer mobile number list eve the greatest number of results in each of the phases of the sales funnel.

Source: Convert More
It certainly has very interesting and particular characteristics, such as:


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1. Customer – centric
Gartner believes that organizations that adopt a customer-centric appro email marketing and Internal communication ach ensure that all their decisions generate satisfactory customer experiences.

In his words, he believes that “customer centricity requires that the customer  1000 mobile phone numbers be the focal point of all decisions related to the delivery of products, services and experiences to create customer satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy.”

This approach is also useful for building customer loyalty, which is a critical success factor.

Vilma, together with her team, noticed that the current market is demanding hybrid educational solutions (those that combine pre-recorded content and resources with live accompaniment).

If the Convierte Más School ‘s approach were completely egocentric, Vilma would continue selling pure training, certifications and programs without

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