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A picture is worth a thousand words

We know that good design is picture is essential when creating a strategy: design is the basis of the product, the attraction that drives people to be interest in it. It is clear that a great design without content is also meaningless, after all, graphic design is nothing more than a communication process between two parties, where the company wants to convey a message to a potential client, and our job is to reflect this message in a clear, practical and subtle way, paying special attention to the visual aspect.

Nowadays, in the times of crisis we are living in, we are fac with a demanding consumer, with clear ideas and who seeks the greatest benefit for himself, no longer depending solely on a design or a strategy but going beyond. From this idea arises what we call emotional design. The first time I heard this concept it came from the book Emotional Design written by Donald Norman and it was appli to industrial or product design. It stat that the main objective of emotional design is to make our life more pleasant.

We have mov from designing practical things

They work well, are easy to list of honduras consumer email understand) to products and services that are enjoyable, that bring pleasure and even fun, in short, that make emotions flourish. We feel much more connect to those products or services that are close to us, so true personalization is what makes a big difference.

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At IOMarketing we believe in people and we think that emotional design can be appli to all branches of design in general. To do this, it is essential to start from the concept of including the consumer in the entire development process, in this way we can get an idea of ​​to what extent our products influence their emotions, even when they are not aware of them.

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Emotional characteristics

In order to establish a methodology bas on marketing 2.0: reinventing the connection with a plural world emotional design, it is necessary to take into account a series of essential characteristics when designing a strategy.

-They are link to alb directory some kind of relationship.

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