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Allows you to try the product before making

You will subsequently receive an email confirming the date on which your purchase will be process. All this with the guarantee of a secure payment. And just like that, customers who land on your eCommerce site will be able to enjoy deferr payment for their purchases in your store.

As you can see, using the deferr payment method for eCommerce represents a real revolution in electronic commerce purchasing methods. Flexibility , security, simplicity and confidence will undoubtly make you feel that your shopping experience is infinitely more pleasant than what you are us to. That is why at SeQura we offer you our payment solutions for your eCommerce!

Deferr payments and their advantages

Advantages of deferring your eCommerce payments. Having list of canada consumer email the possibility of choice is always good news. We choose the colour of our shoes, the size of our shirt, the material of our socks.

Why shouldn’t we also be able to choose when we pay? It is clear that any establishment that offers its customers the possibility of paying in instalments is giving the customer confidence that they will appreciate. But deferr payment has other advantages for the consumer.

Buying an item online usually involves a risk that does not occur in physical purchases: we cannot see or try it before making the payment. With deferr payment solutions in eCommerce, this changes. Before paying, we can see how satisfi we are with the product receiv.

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It makes it easier for you to plan

There are unexpect and necessary expenses, such as what’s the difference and which dhould you choose when the computer we work on breaks down, which can upset the monthly balance of income and expenses. If we choose to make online shopping more flexible, we can structure it in advance.

It does not require bureaucracy If you’ve ever thought america email list about paying in installments, you’ve probably felt overwhelm by the endless paperwork involv.

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