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Beyond the salary: Endomarketing and employee satisfaction

When we think about marketing, we don’t think about endomarketing. In reality, we automatically worry about selling our products or services to our customers.

But what about your own company’s internal market? Your em Endomarketing and employee loyees can become your main brand ambassadors and make your business or venture come to life for your customers.

Contrary to popular belief, salary is not the only thing that activates or motivates employees today.

In fact, endomarketing also comes into play in the internal satisfaction equation.

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Business School (IEBS) defines it as “ internal marketing” for any company, and it basically consists of “selling” the company to your own employees.

What is endomarketing?

What is the objective? A very important one: to increase their commitment to the company, boost their loyalty and optimize their performance.

Endomarketing is more relevant and necessary than you might imagine. Underestimating it would be a serious mistake!

Honestly, it creates a very genuine and powerful emotional connecti paraguay consumer mobile number list on between workers and the products or services that a particular company markets.


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If your workforce feels disconnect from your company, your employee turnover rate will be very high. But fortunately, there are ways to avoid this!

It is an institutional marketing strategy focus on internal actions that are capable of improving a company’s image among its employees.

A good endomarketing strategy will give life to a more motivat, productive and committ work team, and that, in turn, will ruce your company’s turnover in a dramatic way.

Internal marketing improves employees’ perception of the company they work for, and when done with a clear and defin purpose, it yields very positive results.

These statistics have set off alarm bells
Although the benefits of endomarketing are unquestionable, recent employment statistics collect globally are not very encouraging.

The State of Global Work Report , 2023 ition, which was recently publish by Gallup , reveal the following:



Most of the world’s employees are “quietly quitting” their jobs.

Inde, 59% of them are “not engag” with their jobs, to the point that they are “just sitting around and watching the clock.”

But that’s not all. The report stresses that these workers “make the minim what is endomarketing and how can it improve job satisfaction? um effort requir and are psychologically disconnect from their employer.”

As a leader or CEO, you have the ability to invest in internal mar aleart news keting strategies that allow you to boost or regain your employees’ commitment to your company.

Gallup estimates that this “ low engagement” costs the global economy some $8.8 trillion.

For global leaders and managers, employees who are “ quietly quitting” pose imminent risks to their companies.

But all is not lost!

Increasing their loyalty and connection with the company is not something that can be solv by simply giving them better pay. And you ne to be very careful about this!

Endomarketing focuses on corporate culture and the motivation of employees.

Get this straight: When they’re happy with their jobs, they tend to feel more respect, valu, and important.

As a result, improvements are observ in their job performance and their business loyalty is significantly strengthen.

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