One of the biggest advantages offer by this type of tool is its simple operation since, as previously mention, Google Smart uses machine learning and therefore creates campaigns automatically.
In this way, advertisers who want to create advertising campaigns will only have to establish the ROAS, that is, the Return on Advertising Investment, which has been set as the objective of the campaign, the budget with which they can work and the different resources available.
With all this information establish
By the user, Smart Shopping will be responsible list of burundi consumer email for optimizing the bids, the distribution of the different ads on the different platforms and finally, the tool will also choose the advertising locations automatically. Steps to create a Google Smart Shopping campaign smart shipping Source: Own elaboration.
After learning what this type of campaign
Consists of, we consider it important to know how to find your ideal carrier through uship create them and what steps must be follow. Therefore, below we will show the steps to follow and the necessary requirements to be able to create campaigns with Google Smart.
The first step is to choose the type of campaign you america email list want to create, i.e. search, display or shopping. Through the first type of campaign, you will reach customers interest in the product or service offer by the company through text ads. Through a display campaign, you will create different types of ads on websites, and finally, you can promote products through shopping ads.