How many times have you wanted to increase your sales through Instagram private messages ?
No matter what type of business you have or what industry you are in, if you want to scale your income you must turn your DMs into a real ATM .
How to increase your sales in Instagram private messages ?
Fortunately, this is not an impossible mission. Our CEO, Vilma N south africa consumer mobile number list increase your sales úñez, has been repeating this phrase without hesitation for months: “The money is in the Instagram DMs . ”
Private messaging on this social network has gained impressive traction in recent years.
In fact, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri himself announced a few days ago that “t what is an automated sales system? he parts of Instagram that are growing the fastest are direct messages.”
What does that mean? It’s pretty simple: if you want to sell more, you should also chan cg leads nel your marketing and sales efforts to the DMs on this platform.
Below we explain two key aspects that you should take into account to increase your sales in Instagram private messages :
1. Excite your prospects
If you use Instagram private messages to bombard your prospects or clients with launches, offers or promotions of your products and services, you are making a big mistake.
In that case you are treating them as simple transactions and that could cost you dearly.
Why? Basically, you’re showing that you’re not interested in cultivating an authentic, close relationship with them.