How to structure high-impact digital products? That is the question that any info-producer should ask themselves before diving headlong into a digital education business.
The prelude to success
Why? To be very honest, the market is flooded w to structure ith duplicat uruguay consumer mobile number list e content that does not provide value, because it simply does not solve the pain points of the audience.
If you want to start an educational business that allows you to monetize your knowledge and serve your audience in an effective and timely manner, you need to do things right.
And that means knowing the basic process of structuring digital products, such as online courses, ebooks or certifications.
It’s actually simpler than you might think, and today we’re happy to explain it to you in depth!
Our CEO, Vilma Núñez, has been undergoing a major process for a decade when it comes to designing high-impact educational solutions.
His story is inspiring. In 2013 he sold his first digital product for 1.99 euros own your future: a challenge that could transform your life and just ten years later he is proud to have founded the Convierte Más School and American Business College.
1. Identify your talents
All her dreams have come true thanks to her passion for educating others! But Vilma would never leave her success to chance.
Trust us: this is the process she herself follows when incubating a new education cmo email list al solution; and today we invite you to learn about it and replicate it in your own businesses or digital ventures:
The starting point is to analyze yourself and identify your talents. Here are some key questions you should ask yourself:
What are your skills?
What knowledge do you have?
What is your experience?