Your personal brand can change the world. And I can tell you this from experience! Mine has allowed me to achieve dreams in record time, while helping thousands of people transform their own lives.
The growth and progress of my personal brand has given me The Business he greatest satisfaction of my life. I have no doubt about that!
But it has also allowed me to scale a very important business: being myself.
Yes, when I tell you that being authentic and real is vital to build qatar phone numbers list ing a magnetic and monetizable personal brand, I am not exaggerating.
I would like you to leave fear behind, silence the Impostor Syndrome that could be sabotaging your success and dare to promote the business of being you.
I’m not going to lie. It’s ta ld a brand capable of influencin read moreown your future: a challenge that could transform your life g thousands of people, but I wouldn’t change a single chapter of this story.
Because all this time of evolution, self-knowledge and learning has prepared aleart news me to help you achieve your own definition of success with your personal brand.
Today’s Vilma has a great mission: to democratize education and help millions of entrepreneurs through knowledge.
And to do so, I have made sure to learn from great mentors: Ismael Cala is one of them!
During the evolution of my personal brand, I have been fortunate to partner with Ismael and learn deeply from him, and that has helped me double my level of influence.
Together we want to change the world, and although it may sound a bit fanciful, I want you to know that we are achieving it with our businesses and our vocation.