First, with a score of 9 – 10, are the promoters (those customers who express a high level of loyalty because. They are completely satisfi with you). is Glossier, as its product pages are made up of subtle but effective. Features that lead the customer to make a purchase. In general, it is consider to be one of the most effective and well-design product pages because it includes a large number of factors for this to be so, such as images, reviews, ratings, etc.
In second place – with a score
Finally, with a score of 0 – 6, we find customers who show list of cuba consumer email no satisfaction at all. Of 7 and 8 – we have passive customers. Although they are satisfi with your products, they do not show a degree of enthusiasm that would allow us to consider them loyal.
If the metric seem simple to you, wait until you know the formula to calculate it: NPS = % Promoters – % Detractors.
CPS is the correct indicator to know the profitability of a client in a given period of time. From the data obtain. You have the necessary information to create a ranking of your most profitable clients, in addition to knowing those most likely to generate losses. That said, the formula to calculate it is: CPS = Income – Expenses / Expenses.
Customer Profitability Score (CPS)
In conclusion, we have seen that there is a great tendency for what is amazon advertising? companies to “feel fulfill. Once they reach their sales target. However, we can affirm that “there is life beyond the purchase transaction.
Having said that – when loyalty is done well – we are no longer ao lists limit to considering our objective fulfill. When the “action” phase is complet, but after this, a new funnel emerges with more stages (loyalty and recommendation) that must be treat with the same dication as the previous ones.