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What is endomarketing and how can it improve job satisfaction?

If we told you that in most companies internal marketing is manag incorrectly, would you believe us? Unfortunately, there are companies that don’t even know what internal marketing is or how it can improve job satisfaction!

If you are running a business and you have notic that your employees do not feel inspir or align with your company’s identity, you could be going through a very big internal crisis.

Right now, most of the world’s employees are “quietly quitting their jobs ,” which is alarming.

Inde, the data contain in the State of Global Work (2023 e paraguay phone number list dition) , conduct by Gallup , has set off alarm bells at the corporate and managerial level.

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Its first pages clearly state that 59% of global workers are “not connect” to their current jobs, and are in fact trying to quietly leave them.

These figures are current and portray a reality that is hitting dozens of companies hard, but also the global economy.

And if you have any doubts, we invite you to take a closer look at th where can I learn more about how to implement e following data:



According to Gallup estimates , employees who are poorly connect to t bz lists heir jobs cost the global economy an estimat $8.8 trillion.

What is endomarketing?

Later we will explain the reasons that have motivat current workers to lose connection with their jobs.

But for now we will tell you, in depth, what endomarketing is, also widely known as internal marketing.

“If you’re not growing, you’re dying . ” Have you ever heard that phrase?

If you are involv in the business world, you probably know her very well.

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